Install the Managed WAF virtual appliance

Before you begin:

  • Review the VMware virtual appliance requirements.
  • The following instructions are not a complete guide to configure vSphere or virtual data centers. Alert Logic recommends that you experience with VMWare vSphere and installing virtual machines. For more information, please see vmware support.
  • If you have experience with VMWare management tools and virtual machine installation, you can install Managed WAF as a virtual appliance in your existing VMWare virtualized infrastructure.

Download the virtual appliance

To download the virtual appliance: 

Click the download link in the customer onboarding email to download the ISO install image.

Install the virtual appliance

To install the virtual appliance: 

  1. In the vSphere client, create a new virtual machine with the following minimum specifications:
Component Specifications
Guest Operating System CentOS 64-bit
Number of virtual processors 2 (minimum)
Memory configuration 4 GB (minimum)
Network interface One for each network connected to appliance
Type: em1000
Disk 250 GB capacity
  1. Mount the Managed WAF install ISO image, start the appliance on the image, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. Restart the appliance.
  3. Verify appliance connectivity
    • In the console, log in with the credentials operator/changeme
    • Run the “system backend verify” command. This test verifies that the appliance can connect to the Alert Logic backend systems.
    • Every test should report OK; however, the last test, will time out because the appliance has not been fully provisioned.
  4. Call the Alert Logic Security Operations Center (SOC) at 877.484.8383, option 2, and then request a connectivity test.

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