Configure Slack Connection

A Slack connection securely stores reusable authentication credential and URL path information for integrations with Slack.

Complete the following steps to configure a connection to Slack:

  1. Generate your Slack base URL
  2. Create the Slack connection in the Alert Logic console
  3. Use the connection

Generate your Slack base URL

The URL for Slack connections must be generated from Slack. To generate the URL, complete the instructions in the Slack documentation.

Create the Slack connection in the Alert Logic console

The next step is to create the connection in the Alert Logic console.

To create a Slack connection:

  1. In the Alert Logic console,click the Settings icon (), and then click Connections
  2. On the Connections page, click the add icon (), and then click Slack.
  3. On the Create a Slack Connection page, type a descriptive name for the connectionfor example, "Slack Connection".
  4. In Base URL, paste the URL you generated earlier.
  5. Click SAVE.

Use the connection

After you save the connection, you can use it in a templated connection. For more information on templated connections, see Templated Connections Configuration Guide.

Manage connections

You can view the list of connections and edit or delete an existing one. For more information, see Manage Connections.