Observation Schema
You can refer to this observation schema to configure the payload template for a third-party templated connection.
Alert Logic generates an observation when it detects an occurrence of a log correlation rule. For more information, see Correlations and Notifications.
"fields": {
"authority": "string",
"class": "string",
"confidence": number,
"desc": "string,
"end_ts": number,
"ingest_id": "binary",
"ingest_ts": number,
"keys": {
"message": "string",
"time_recv": number
"parents": [
"path": "string",
"properties": {},
"recommendations": "string",
"severity": "string",
"start_ts": number,
"subclass": "string",
"summary": "string",
"tactic": "string",
"technique": "string",
"ts": number,
"visibility": "string"
"id": {
"account": number,
"aid": number,
"msgid": "string"
"extra": {
"customer_name": "string",
"observation_description": "string",
"correlation_rule_id": "string",
"correlation_rule_name": "string",
"observation_id": "string",
"deployment_name": "string",
"tld": "string"
- fields (object)
authority (string) – Alert Logic subsystem and component that generated the observation
class (string) – Major classification of the observation, the value of which depends on the taxonomy selected for the observation
confidence (number) – True positive detection confidence expressed as a number between 0 and 100, representing a rounded whole number percentage. A value of 100 equals 100 percent true positive detection.
desc (string) – Observation description
- end_ts (number) - Epoch time stamp when the last log message triggering this correlation observation occurred
ingest_id (binary) - Unique log message identifier
ingest_ts (number) - Epoch time stamp (GMT) indicating when Alert Logic processed the log message
keys (object) - Set of token-type values that uniquely identify an instance of this observation type
- message (string) - Details about the observation instance
time_recv (number) - Epoch time when Alert Logic detected the observation instance
- message (string) - Details about the observation instance
parents (array of strings) - References to data records that contributed to the generation of this observation and can be used to navigate to the log search used for the log correlation rule
- path (string) - Unique logical name and path of the observation in the Alert Logic console
properties (object) - Set of token-type values that capture additional information about the observation
recommendations (string) - Full text of the recommended actions for this observation or incident
severity (string) - Importance of this observation with respect to the risk to the customer's environment
Valid values:
- start_ts (number) - Epoch time stamp when the first log message triggering this correlation observation occurred
subclass (string) - Minor classification of the observation, the value of which depends on the taxonomy selected for the observation
- summary (string) - Summary of the observation
tactic (string) - Determined MITRE ATT&CK tactic based on its detection within the customer's environment
technique (string) - Determined MITRE ATT&CK technique based on its detection within the customer's environment
ts (number) - Epoch time stamp (GMT) indicating when the observation observation was generated
- visibility (string) - Defines who can see the observation in the system and is used for notification and incident generation
- id (object) - Information about the observation returned by the search service
account (number) - Customer account identifier
aid (number) - Internal audit ID
msgid (string) - Observation message identifier
- extra (object) - Additional information about the observation
customer_name (string) - Customer name of the Alert Logic account where the observation was generated
observation_description (string) - Observation description in HTML format
correlation_rule_id (string) - Unique identifier of the log correlation rule that generated the observation
correlation_rule_name (string) - Name of the log correlation rule that generated the observation
observation_id (string) - Identifier of the observation
deployment_name (string) - Name of the deployment in which the observation occurred
- tld (string) - Top-level Alert Logic domain for the customer based on the region in which the data resides.
Valid values:
Sample JSON
Alert Logic uses this JSON object to test templated connections with an Observation payload type.
"fields": {
"authority": "alertlogic/ae/trigger_eng/1.0",
"class": "correl:activity",
"confidence": null,
"desc": "# Test",
"end_ts": 1586062782,
"ingest_id": "XollvQAOASAAAplnAAAAAA==",
"ingest_ts": 1586062782,
"keys": {
"message": "{\"CreationTime\":\"2020-04-05T04:38:02\",\"Id\":\"fdd05f68-fa83-4386-a364-dd7378006cb8\",\"Operation\":\"UserLoginFailed\",\"OrganizationId\":\"bf8d32d3-1c13-4487-af02-80dba2236488\",\"RecordType\":15,\"ResultStatus\":\"Failed\",\"UserKey\":\"11110000AD6EA715@alazurealertlogic.onmicrosoft.com\",\"UserType\":0,\"Version\":1,\"Workload\":\"AzureActiveDirectory\",\"ClientIP\":\"\",\"ObjectId\":\"797f4846-ba00-4fd7-ba43-dac1f8f63013\",\"UserId\":\"azure_valid@alazurealertlogic.onmicrosoft.com\",\"AzureActiveDirectoryEventType\":1,\"ExtendedProperties\":[{\"Name\":\"RequestType\",\"Value\":\"OAuth2:Token\"},{\"Name\":\"ResultStatusDetail\",\"Value\":\"UserError\"}],\"ModifiedProperties\":[],\"Actor\":[{\"ID\":\"76ea01ce-6f1c-4001-aba5-ba32dcd283dd\",\"Type\":0},{\"ID\":\"azure_valid@alazurealertlogic.onmicrosoft.com\",\"Type\":5},{\"ID\":\"11110000AD6EA715\",\"Type\":3}],\"ActorContextId\":\"bf8d32d3-1c13-4487-af02-80dba2236488\",\"ActorIpAddress\":\"\",\"InterSystemsId\":\"469c2728-ffa1-41aa-aeca-02d0fd0b93c0\",\"IntraSystemId\":\"af113cf1-8ce1-46c7-9cde-91fb0b471901\",\"SupportTicketId\":\"\",\"Target\":[{\"ID\":\"797f4846-ba00-4fd7-ba43-dac1f8f63013\",\"Type\":0}],\"TargetContextId\":\"bf8d32d3-1c13-4487-af02-80dba2236488\",\"ApplicationId\":\"04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b47\",\"LogonError\":\"InvalidUserNameOrPassword\"}",
"time_recv": 1586061482
"parents": [
"path": "correlation/12345678/22526B99-30B3-46EE-A270-8140052511FF",
"properties": {},
"recommendations": null,
"severity": "critical",
"start_ts": 1586062782,
"subclass": "suspicious-activity",
"summary": "test",
"tactic": null,
"technique": null,
"ts": 1586062782,
"visibility": "notification"
"id": {
"account": 12345678,
"aid": 0,
"msgid": "QU1JNAAAAAIAAAAAXollvV6JZb4AAplnAA4AImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3gtYWxwYWNrZXQtb2JzZXJ2YXRpb24ACmZha2VTdHJlYW0="
"extra": {
"customer_name": "XYZ Corporation",
"observation_description": "<h1>Test</h1>",
"correlation_rule_id": "22526B99-30B3-46EE-A270-8140052511FF",
"correlation_rule_name": "Failed Login Correlation",
"observation_id": "00000000-1234-1234-1234-1234567890",
"deployment_name": "Azure Production Deployment",
"tld": "us"